Friday 7 January 2011

Adorno's theory

Adorno's theory is that capitalism fed people with the products of a 'culture industry' to keep them passively satisfied and politically apathetic. 
They did this in the following ways:
-False needs- We are constantly told of the things we need, all of which the capitalist system provides. However,t his does not include needs such as freedom, creativity and happiness.
-Commodity Fetishism- This is driven by the marketing, advertising and media industries, which persuade us that we need to spend a lot of money/ have certain things such as branded clothes etc to be accepted. Consequently we have become more satisfied by things that cost a lot.
-Standardisation- The two above factors have resulted in people all being very similar (following the same fashions, aiming for the same lifestyle etc) Pseudo-individualisation is when people think that they are different, but in fact they are not. 

Information from

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